A respected Káruk elder, Elizabeth was was born in a small Káruk village on the Salmon River in Northern California that, in 1875, became Somes Bar. She later moved to the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation where she was a major contributor in rejuvenating the Karuk language, culture and history. Throughout her life, Elizabeth was a teacher for young girls. It was very important to her that girls learn to respect themselves and others in the traditional ways. As they entered womanhood, she guided them through the Flower Dance coming-of-age ceremonies. During the early 1970s, Elizabeth worked alongside other elders to bring back one of the ancient ceremonial healing dances, the Brush Dance. She was considered to be a medicine woman from that point on and continued with her work until the early 1990s.
SARA NESSBITT BARNEY - a renowned basketmaker, Sara was also a collector of many Káruk baskets and ceremonial regalia. She took pride in her culture and enjoyed sharing stories about her childhood, which was spent on the KLAMATH RIVER. Her love for family was exhibited in the traditional patterns and designs that were woven into her baskets. A private and quiet woman, Sara’s personality shined when she shared her stories, baskets and other handiwork with the public.
THELMA THOM - a knowledgable Hupa elder, Thelma was respected by many as medicine woman - but she never wanted to be called that. Formerly married to Káruk medicine man Charlie "Red Hawk" Thom, she supported him for years in his cultural and spiritual endeavors. Devoted to the traditions and values of her Native culture, Thelma was as gentle a teacher as she was a powerful seer. She was revered and loved by many people.
LESTER ALFORD, Sr - one of Charlie Thom's older brothers, Lester was a respected elder of Karuk and Shasta heritages who was instrumental in forming the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation (which is flourishing today). Even though he was sent to Indian Boarding School, which prevented him from learning the Káruk language, he spent much of his adult life contributing his knowledge of the Karuk and SHASTA cultures for the people in his communities. A strict disciplinarian with a big heart, Lester influenced many younger people with his moral values, wisdom, encouragement and good will. His legacy continues through his children, who work in various departments with the Káruk Tribe and in other California Native communities.
LESTER ALFORD, Sr - one of Charlie Thom's older brothers, Lester was a respected elder of Karuk and Shasta heritages who was instrumental in forming the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation (which is flourishing today). Even though he was sent to Indian Boarding School, which prevented him from learning the Káruk language, he spent much of his adult life contributing his knowledge of the Karuk and SHASTA cultures for the people in his communities. A strict disciplinarian with a big heart, Lester influenced many younger people with his moral values, wisdom, encouragement and good will. His legacy continues through his children, who work in various departments with the Káruk Tribe and in other California Native communities.
LESTER ALFORD, Sr - one of Charlie Thom's older brothers, Lester was a respected elder of Karuk and Shasta heritages who was instrumental in forming the Quartz Valley Indian Reservation (which is flourishing today). Even though he was sent to Indian Boarding School, which prevented him from learning the Káruk language, he spent much of his adult life contributing his knowledge of the Karuk and SHASTA cultures for the people in his communities. A strict disciplinarian with a big heart, Lester influenced many younger people with his moral values, wisdom, encouragement and good will. His legacy continues through his children, who work in various departments with the Káruk Tribe and in other California Native communities.
FANNY FISHER - Káruk elder Fanny Fisher was raised on the Salmon River, in Scott Valley, California, at the foot of the Marble Mountain Wilderness. A quiet, knowledgable cultural practitioner, Fanny's greatest joy was talking with the people of the Klamath and Salmon Rivers, sharing stories about the old Káruk ways. A proficient basketweaver, she also enjoyed collecting acorns and pine nuts. Blessed with a smile that was “worth more than anything”, Fanny was loved by all who knew her. CLICK for FANNY FISHER VIDEO
FANNY FISHER - Káruk elder Fanny Fisher was raised on the Salmon River, in Scott Valley, California, at the foot of the Marble Mountain Wilderness. A quiet, knowledgable cultural practitioner, Fanny's greatest joy was talking with the people of the Klamath and Salmon Rivers, sharing stories about the old Káruk ways. A proficient basketweaver, she also enjoyed collecting acorns and pine nuts. Blessed with a smile that was “worth more than anything”, Fanny was loved by all who knew her. CLICK for FANNY FISHER VIDEO
FANNY FISHER - Káruk elder Fanny Fisher was raised on the Salmon River, in Scott Valley, California, at the foot of the Marble Mountain Wilderness. A quiet, knowledgable cultural practitioner, Fanny's greatest joy was talking with the people of the Klamath and Salmon Rivers, sharing stories about the old Káruk ways. A proficient basketweaver, she also enjoyed collecting acorns and pine nuts. Blessed with a smile that was “worth more than anything”, Fanny was loved by all who knew her. CLICK for FANNY FISHER VIDEO
FANNY FISHER - Káruk elder Fanny Fisher was raised on the Salmon River, in Scott Valley, California, at the foot of the Marble Mountain Wilderness. A quiet, knowledgable cultural practitioner, Fanny's greatest joy was talking with the people of the Klamath and Salmon Rivers, sharing stories about the old Káruk ways. A proficient basketweaver, she also enjoyed collecting acorns and pine nuts. Blessed with a smile that was “worth more than anything”, Fanny was loved by all who knew her. CLICK for FANNY FISHER VIDEO

Purification sweat lodge fire Photo © John Veltri

Karuk medicine man Charlie "Red Hawk" Thom (1928-2013) Photo © Marguerite Lorimer
Káruk medicine man - ceremonial leader Charles R Thom (also Charlie "Red Hawk" Thom) (1928-2013) whose medicine name was Walking Backwards, was born to Reece Tom (later changed to Thom) and Irene (Charlie) Thom in Fort Jones, California. When he was only two years old Charlie's parents passed away. Hidden from Indian Boarding School authorities by the elders of his tribe, Charlie was raised to be a medicine man. From a young age he was taught traditional Káruk values and life skills, including cultural teachings and ceremonial practices, plant medicine, sacred songs, dances and healing methods.
At the age of 15, as was custom at the time, Charlie "bought" his first wife with a little jar of gold he had accumulated from panning during his childhood. A medicine woman who was 27 years older than Charlie, his wife already had two children. Within months of his marriage, Charlie forged the date of his birth so that he could serve in WWII. He was soon shipped off to the Far East. While he was gone, he was relieved to receive a "Dear John" letter from his wife, who had decided to leave Charlie for his older brother.
After the war, Charlie became a logger. He worked in that profession for years, until a severe injury ended his logging career. He then worked as a drug and alcohol counselor until the 1970s, when he became a professor of Native Studies at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. In 1979 he suddenly left that career to follow a prophecy that he had been told about when he was a young boy: if Mount Shasta should ever wake up [he said he was told that she was beginning to vent steam], he should leave his job, move to the mountain, put down some prayers to quiet the mountain down [it worked, he said], then build a purification sweat lodge and "open its door to all people". If he did that, he was told, people would come from all over the world, and there would be a great healing.

Known to be a notorious "trickster" or "coyote", Charlie was also a respected Káruk culture bearer, wisdom carrier, environmental advocate and sacred site protector for more than 45 years. A legendary ceremonial leader, thousands of people from religions and cultures around
the world fondly remember Charlie as a powerful purification sweat lodge leader
whose healing ceremonies forever affected their lives.
Charlie Thom, 1983 Photo © John Veltri
One of only a few fluent Káruk language speakers toward the end of his life, Charlie loved his ancestral language and delighted in speaking Káruk whenever the occasion arose. A participant in Káruk language symposiums, workshops and teachings, he was honored to be featured in National Geographic's "Vanishing Languages" article.
A natural in politics, Charlie was instrumental in getting official federal recognition for his Káruk tribe, a catalyst in the legalization of Native American ceremonies, and a powerful protector of natural resources and sacred sites. His tireless work with Winnemem Wintu chief Florence Jones, and others, including the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center, helped to save Mount Shasta from becoming a commercial ski resort.

Charlie Thom, next to his Shackleford Creek purification sweat lodge, in Fort Jones, California, 2012 Photo © Marguerite Lorimer
Although Charlie's busy schedule frequently kept him away from his Fort Jones, California home, his greatest joys were when he traveled into the nearby Marble Mountains, and the times he spent with members of his large, extended family - especially the young people of his tribe.

Charlie "Red Hawk" Thom, at home in 2012 with his "pet" buffalo, featured by National Geographic in their article, "Vanishing Languages"
In 2013, Charlie Thom shared his "Last Message" for the Káruk people (above).
Though his hearing and overall health were failing, he felt it was important that his people hear his message and sacred song.
Spoken in Káruk and translated into English by his son, Káruk language teacher Franklin R Thom